Happy Australia Day Wishes SMS Message with Greeting Wallpapers

Australia Day Flag 2014 and Celebration Wishes and Greetings Wallpaper Card

"I Don't Think Of Myself As Either American Or Australian Really, I'm A True Hybrid. It's A Good Thing 4 Me Because Both Of Them R Really Good Countries...!!!"
Writer: "Mel Gibson...!!!"
"I Celebrated My 18th Birthday In Japan, Which Was Quite Memorable; I Was Quite Fascinated By The Different Traditions & The Culture It Was So Completely Different 2 Australian Culture...!!!"
Writer: "Miranda Kerr...!!!"
"I Made My first Australian Senior Team When I Was 16, First Olympics When I Was 19, & I Retired. I'm 32, I Retired Four Years Ago, So A Good Third Of My Life Or Nearly A Third Of My Life Has Been All About Running...!!!"
Writer: "Cathy Freeman ...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"

Happy Australia Day Card Image Sydney Screen

"I Do Notice That When I Come In 2 Meet Casting People, They Love That I'm Australian. Maybe It's Our Good Work Ethic...!!!"
Writer: "Rebel Wilson...!!!"
"I'm So Used 2 Australian Films Not Getting A Release Outside Australia...!!!"
Writer: "Hugo Weaving...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"The Australian Economy Is Resilient, But Business & Consumer Confidence Is Fragile...!!!"
Writer: "Julie Bishop...!!!"

Happy Australia Day Night Fireworks Card with Wishes Greetings Australia flag

"The Australian Public R Very Fair & They R Always Prepared 2 Give The Leader Of A Major Political Party A Fair Go...!!!"
Writer: "Tony Abbott...!!!"
"I'm In Fact Australian But My Mother's English So I've Got No Problem Playing A Domineering English Woman...!!!"
Writer: "Jacki Weaver...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"It's Hard 2 Pinpoint Why All Of A Sudden A Group Of Australian Films Will B Doing Well & Why They Perhaps R Better Made Than Some From The Past...!!!"
Writer: "Guy Pearce...!!!"

Australia Day Celebration Wallpaper HD

"It's An Australian Thing 2 B Dismissive. We Find That Endearing. Americans don't. They Believe What U Say...!!!"
Writer: "Nick Cave...!!!"
"If U're Australian, U Feel It In Ur Bones Because U're At Odds With Everybody Else, Except Other Australians, In The Sense That People Always Seem 2 B Behaving Strangely. People Always Seem 2 B Behaving The Wrong Way, In A Different Way. U Say Things & There & Silences...!!!"
Writer: "Nick Cave...!!!"
"I'm Never There Enough 2 Really Keep Up With What's Going On In The Australian Film Industry. I Just Try & B Part Of It As Much As I Can...!!!"
Writer: "Guy Pearce...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"

Australian Day Celebration Flag 26 January 2014

"I M Very Good With Dialects, But The Two That I Can't Do For Some Reason R The South African & Australian...!!!"
Writer: "Liev Schreiber...!!!"
"We R Moving 2ward Recognition Of The First Australians In The Australian Constitution...!!!"
Writer: "Kevin Rudd...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I Used 2 Have 30 Different Species Of Tarantulas, As Well As Two Australian Scorpions That R Considered The Deadliest In The World. If Stung By One, A Person Would Die In 30 Minutes. But When I Had Kids I Had 2 Get Rid Of Them, Of Course...!!!"
Writer: "Jonathan Davis...!!!"