"I Don't Think Of Myself As Either American Or Australian Really, I'm A True Hybrid. It's A Good Thing 4 Me Because Both Of Them R Really Good Countries...!!!"
Writer: "Mel Gibson...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I Celebrated My 18th Birthday In Japan, Which Was Quite Memorable; I Was Quite Fascinated By The Different Traditions & The Culture It Was So Completely Different 2 Australian Culture...!!!"
Writer: "Miranda Kerr...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I Made My first Australian Senior Team When I Was 16, First Olympics When I Was 19, & I Retired. I'm 32, I Retired Four Years Ago, So A Good Third Of My Life Or Nearly A Third Of My Life Has Been All About Running...!!!"
Writer: "Cathy Freeman ...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I Do Notice That When I Come In 2 Meet Casting People, They Love That I'm Australian. Maybe It's Our Good Work Ethic...!!!"
Writer: "Rebel Wilson...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I'm So Used 2 Australian Films Not Getting A Release Outside Australia...!!!"
Writer: "Hugo Weaving...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"The Australian Economy Is Resilient, But Business & Consumer Confidence Is Fragile...!!!"
Writer: "Julie Bishop...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"The Australian Public R Very Fair & They R Always Prepared 2 Give The Leader Of A Major Political Party A Fair Go...!!!"
Writer: "Tony Abbott...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I'm In Fact Australian But My Mother's English So I've Got No Problem Playing A Domineering English Woman...!!!"
Writer: "Jacki Weaver...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"It's Hard 2 Pinpoint Why All Of A Sudden A Group Of Australian Films Will B Doing Well & Why They Perhaps R Better Made Than Some From The Past...!!!"
Writer: "Guy Pearce...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"It's An Australian Thing 2 B Dismissive. We Find That Endearing. Americans don't. They Believe What U Say...!!!"
Writer: "Nick Cave...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"If U're Australian, U Feel It In Ur Bones Because U're At Odds With Everybody Else, Except Other Australians, In The Sense That People Always Seem 2 B Behaving Strangely. People Always Seem 2 B Behaving The Wrong Way, In A Different Way. U Say Things & There & Silences...!!!"
Writer: "Nick Cave...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I'm Never There Enough 2 Really Keep Up With What's Going On In The Australian Film Industry. I Just Try & B Part Of It As Much As I Can...!!!"
Writer: "Guy Pearce...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I M Very Good With Dialects, But The Two That I Can't Do For Some Reason R The South African & Australian...!!!"
Writer: "Liev Schreiber...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"We R Moving 2ward Recognition Of The First Australians In The Australian Constitution...!!!"
Writer: "Kevin Rudd...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"
"I Used 2 Have 30 Different Species Of Tarantulas, As Well As Two Australian Scorpions That R Considered The Deadliest In The World. If Stung By One, A Person Would Die In 30 Minutes. But When I Had Kids I Had 2 Get Rid Of Them, Of Course...!!!"
Writer: "Jonathan Davis...!!!"
"Happy Australia Day...!!!"