Ash Wednesday Quotes and Sayings with Wishes Images Cards

Ash Wednesday Wishes Image Card with Quotes Sayings

"Let's not forget the real purpose of Ash Wednesday tweeps. Let's use the opportunity to remember the sacrifices made for us all...!!!"
Arthur: JTCM...!!!
"Shrove Tuesday is kind of a day of foolishness & silliness. That's why a carnival makes sense, being silly & foolish before moving into the seriousness of Ash Wednesday...!!!"
Arthur: Pat Eidsness...!!!
"Where shall the word be found, where will the word Resound? Not here, there is not enough silence...!!!"
Arthur: T.S. Eliot...!!!

Ash Wednesday Lent Image Card and Wishes Quote Saying

"Ash Wednesday; Time to reflect & share our thanks, for this is the time that we remember the greatest sacrifice...!!!"
Arthur: Maali Gras...!!!
"May u'r Ash Wednesday be a time of reflection & promise...!!!"
Arthur: Foreside Community Church...!!!
"In the Roman Catholic Church, by centuries-old tradition Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, this year falling on March 1. Ashes symbolize penitence & the frailty of human life...!!!"
Arthur: Igor Kovalevsky...!!!

Ash Wednesday Lent Wishes Image Card and Quotes Sayings

"This Ash Wednesday, best wishes on proving u love Jesus more than u love not looking ridiculous in front of u'r peers...!!!"
Arthur: T. S. Eliot...!!!
"Blown hair is sweet, brown hair over the mouth blown, Lilac & brown hair...!!!"
Arthur: T.S. Eliot...!!!
"Every time he opens his mouth I have absolutely no idea what he's gonna say. He's the most honest person I've ever met. He's a quick study and rarely needs to make the same mistake twice. He really tries to learn, & does, and he makes me laugh, & the world's generally a lighter place when he's in my sight...!!!"

Arthur: Ethan Hawke...!!!

Ash Wednesday Wishes and Greetings Image Card with Wishes Quotes Sayings

"Ash Wednesday. I pray GOD gives me a deeper understanding of my great sin & need of Jesus' even greater sacrifice & love in these 40 days...!!!"
Arthur: Chelsea Whatley...!!!
"Success is not measured by what u achieve, it's measured by the obstacles overcome...!!!"
Arthur: Ethan Hawke...!!!
"No place of grace for those who avoid the face No time to rejoice for those who walk among noise & deny the voice...!!!"
Arthur: T.S. Eliot...!!!

Ash Wednesday Image Card and Wishes Quotes Sayings

"Ash Wednesday. I am saved by Grace! Thank u Jesus for dying for me...!!!"
Arthur: Doris Row....!!!
"Now I have a theory that if a woman wants to keep a man she only needs to say two things: She believes in him & he's got a big a cock. That's all it takes. It doesn't even have to be true...!!!"
Arthur: Ethan Hawke...!!!
"With this sunrise somehow I felt I was exactly where I was supposed to be... Have faith, the light seemed to announce...!!!"
Arthur: Ethan Hawke...!!!