Love Poems with Pictures Vol-01


I walked all day long
Spent hours stepping 
Pulling heels ahead of toes 
Knowing you only came closer 
With each miles traveled 
By hands on the clock 
So still I stepped 
Further and further 
Taking only your distance 
Into account
And when i became 
Blistered and numb 
With steps still ahead
I pulled myself to you 
I willed myself towards you 
With the strength of a thousand men 
Because a love has
never felt so sweet as yours 
Because I have never felt more alive
Than when I am wrapped 
So effortlessly in your arms...!!!

I love the way you make my eyes 
Sparkle when they see you
I love the way my heart skips a best 
When I see a text from you
I love the way you blush and make a 
Small smile when you’re nervous
I love the way you make my legs go weak
when your voice gets all 
I love how I can’t help but smile 
Each time we kiss and cuddle 
I love the feeling of excitement I felt
When I first met you
I love the feeling of hope I have each 
Day as I fall for you more...!!!

It makes me sad
How you see yourself
You point out all your flaws
and imperfections
But all I can see
Is a beautiful human being
And I want you to know
That I may not mean much to you
But you mean so much to me
And I wish for you
To see yourself the way I do...!!!

i'm in love with you.
i have always been in love with you.
i will always be in love with you.
i don’t know if you understand
how cute our relationship could be.

i swear we could be that cute little ild couple
that everyone goes ‘aww’ to because after
so many years of life they still love
and care about each other...!!!

My love Is too big.
I can fill myself up
With you and
Both your hands
I Can fill myself up
With you and
Your two lips
I can fill myself up
With all the details
Of all that you do
I Have a love
That is so big that
The weight keeps me
Grounded to this place
That is so big that
I love newly, every
Few months
So unsteady
Unready to settle
One minute
You are the light
That shifts my disposition
The next
You are the past
And I will never want 
To taste your lips again
Because my love
Is too big
For just you...!!!
